Note that this is VERY preliminary schedule and changes are mandatory.


Watch out for pre-warmup broadcast! (hint: 30mins)


15.00 Welcoming words

15.15 The Finnish Museum of Games

16.00 Studio (guest: Dr. TerrorZ)

16.15 Compo: PETSCII

17.00 Greetings from Skrolli & Retro Rewind magazines

17.15 Studio (guest: Deetsay / Da Jormas / Panic / Nah-Kolor)

17.30 Compo: Music

19.00 Flashbacks & Black-Outs โ€“ Brief Finnish Party History (with guests)

19.30 Studio (guest: Duce / Extend)

19.45 Compo: Graphics

20.30 On the sofa watching demos

21.15 Studio (guest: TNT / Beyond Force / Kasettilamerit)

21.30 Compo: Basic Effect

21.45 Studio (guest: TNT / Beyond Force / Kasettilamerit)

22.00 Compo: Demo

Compo after talk
Voting closes 30 minutes after the Demo competition is finished
Results & Prizegiving 30 minutes after voting has closed

00.00 Live music: 8 Bits High

01.00 Live music: 64mula